Michigan Central Station - 4/2003
Scott Kennedy


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p4080163 p4080165 p4080166 p4080167 p4080168
MCS - urinal down ladder MCS - Tracks in the Snow MCS - Entryway ceiling with flash MCS - Entryway ceiling without flash MCS - Iron Pipes
p4080169 p4080173 p4080176 p4080177 p4080179
MCS - Closeup of decaying Ceiling MCS - West Entrance MCS - Going up, sir? MCS - Elevators on ground floor - wide MCS - Basement steps
p4080180 p4080181 p4080183 p4080188 p4080189
MCS - Ghost 2 - UNMODIFIED MCS - Basement Elevators - unlit MCS - doghouse of kaos MCS - more basement tools MCS - basement power box
MCS - East side