April 12
I sit up, shake my head
failing to send the dream away
along with this horrible mess.
I get dressed as her
foot finds my body, apologizing
in ways she can't express.
almost -- I reach
for the phone, to buy
one more moment in her embrace.
Instead, I stare blankly at the
always prophetic cube fridge poetry
and try not to think.
I turn away
from her room
and her, with a whispered, "Goodbye."
I beat my arms
to fight off the cold
on the last morning.
Did somebody die?
a bird hovers as I live
a lifetime in a moment.
Water fails to drip off her window.
"Such a shame," I might say,
if I could speak.
I write quickly,
before this broken second ends.
Ani screams as I drive
"and if you think you know what i'm doing wrong
you're gonna have to get in line
but for the purposes of this song
let's just say i'm doing fine
i guess i'm doing fine."
Here and Now