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Introduction to MS ASP

This course introduces the student to VBScript and ASP skills necessary for building database-driven Web sites. The course begins with the basics of ASP and goes through database access with ASP and ADO. The student will examine the core ASP objects, learn how to install and use third-party ASP components, and explore leading-edge methods.

Hands on workshops in all topics will reinforce the student's knowledge in material discussed in lecture.

Prerequisites: Familiarity using the Internet on a Windows platform. Experience with a modern programming language. Familiarity with databases and SQL.

Agenda: Introduction to MS ASP

Duration: 5 Sessions, 2 Weeks Each

If you have any questions or concerns about the Evening Education Program, please leave a message at 248.737.7300 extension 93386 (the EEP voice mail box) or call the TEC at 248.538.2305 or FAX to 248.538.2307.

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