Professional Development Program
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Technical Development
Academy Training
Internal Training
Compuware Client Training

Mainframe Curriculum
Client/Server Curriculum
Apply to the PDP

ur Professional Development Program (PDP) is an entry-level program that provides recent college graduates and individuals who are new to the information technology profession with valuable hands-on skills. The program attracts, educates and trains the industry's brightest aspiring professionals and places them at companies with leading-edge IT commitments.

   If accepted into the PDP program, you'll learn the skills to perform application design, analysis, programming, and other services. Candidates are selected to participate in the program based on aptitiude, communication abilities, motivation, and information systems experience.

   As a participant, you'll represent the best of the best in entry- level talent. Today's information technology managers are faced with an important business decision — to refurbish existing mainframe and client/server technology. A tremendous demand exists in these mainframe and client/server arenas to move business-based technology forward. In order to meet this demand, Compuware's Professional Development Program consists of two separate curricula: the Mainframe and the Client/Server. Participation in either is based on your interests or our clients' needs.

   Each curriculum includes proven teaching methods -- classroom lectures which have experienced instructors. Programmers and analysts lecture and facilitate workshops, and also real world applied lab work, where participants develop, test and maintain over 20 real world programs, similar to those found at client sites.

   The PDP program is a part of the Technical Education Center at Compuware. The people selected to become participants of the Professional Development Program are people who have recently graduated from college or are making a change in their career paths. Their prior experience, combined with their PDP training, has proven invaluable to the individual and the company.

The PDP will offer two areas of training

  1. Mainframe Programming - This program teaches students how to interact with a mainframe, from navigating TSO menus to programming in COBOL.

  2. Client/Server Programming - Students learn in either the PC programming track or the Web-based track to program on IBM compatible systems.

   If you have any questions or concerns about the Technical Development Programs, please call the TEC at 248.538.2305 or FAX to 248.538.2307.

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